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“Great Day” Wednesday 01/29/2025
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“Great Day” Tuesday 01/28/2025
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“Great Day” Monday 01/27/2025
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“Great Day” Sunday 01/26/2025
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“Great Day” Saturday 01/25/2025
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“Great Day” Friday 01/24/2025
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“Great Day” Thursday 01/23/2025
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“Great Day Presents” Week of 01/26/2025
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The Chapel Quotes
“What’s most important in our life is for us to really own and buy into who Jesus says we are. He views us a holy one, separated for His purpose, no longer a slave to sin. The reason the Gospel is such good news is that there comes with it the promise of life after death. Not just eternal life, but a promise of a newness of life that exists for all of us now. We are called to live in this newness with Him. God is God of grace who gives good things to us that we don’t deserve. God’s grace is bigger than all of our sins. God alone has the authority over life and death. Each and every person that is conceived God has a purpose for them in their life.”
To access complete messages from The Chapel click http://www.thechapel.net to go to The Chapel website.
“Christian Stylings In Ivory” by composer-musician Don Krueger
To hear the complete 15-minute program click > on the sound bar ABOVE.
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Devotion 01/26/2025
Our Devotion, “Crossing Borders” is by Samantha Stevens who studied professional writing at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana.
“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” I John 4:18
Here we were, a bunch of college-aged Americans, dancing hand-in-hand down the freezing streets of Chetebor with gypsy children. Our team of students had traveled to this little city in the Czech Republic in hopes of ministering to schoolchildren in the area. Unfortunately, gypsies in European cultures are often mistreated, poverty–stricken, discriminated against, and ostracized. Thus, we garnered odd looks and scornful stares from the locals as we laughed, threw snowballs, and paraded through town leading gypsy children home that afternoon.
Because we ministered to the gypsy minorities, the townsfolk disliked us. But that resentment was totally offset by the joy we experienced in helping those sweet children discover the love of God. We were quite a sight. I was shaking and numb from holding their bare hands in the cold, but nothing could keep me from letting go. True love, I learned, is absolutely fearless, despite a world that segregates itself along social, economic and ethnic lines.
Jesus regularly shocked his disciples in the same way. He reached out to people of every class, culture and status, ministering to foreigners, lepers, lower-class citizens and prostitutes, despite objections from discriminators. Just like Jesus, our love for others should have a boldness that actively and positively reaches out to every people.
PRAYER: Lord, help us to cross these barriers fearlessly every day so that we can minister to others in the same ways You did.
Book Review 01/29/2025
This Book Review is by Clark Murray, a professional writing major at Taylor University.
Perilous Judgment
By Dennis Ricci
Waterfall Press, PB, 432 pages
Government drama, personal anxiety and shame, along with a setting of tension combine to make the reader hold tightly to the pages of the book. The Mexicali border is always a dangerous place, but when a California judge is reintroduced to a past sin, that turmoil becomes even greater. Explosives are set in place. When detonated, they will cause death and will initiate a ripple effect of terrorism. This can be stopped, but only if Judge Lamport is willing to expose his past, risk his present, and forfeit his future. What can and will Judge Lamport do to save the people he loves, and how far will the Lord call him to go? True sacrifice may mean placing his life on the line for people he has never met. A looming enemy remains ever so close to the judge as he aspires to do the Lord’s will in such a chaotic circumstance. This thriller leaves readers yearning for more from this first time author who hones the ability to combine the conflicts of our world with the spiritual fight we have within ourselves every day.
Everyone has that one sin in life he or she wants to hide. It gets pushed far away where no one will find it. When this is done, we forget that with sin comes consequences. In any situation, God allows for learning to come from that sin through the process of fixing the problem. God will not make it easy, yet his plan is forever good. This novel shows such a process in action.
Review used by permission of Evangelical Church Library Association (ECLA)
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