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“Great Day” Sunday 02/16/2025*
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“Great Day” Saturday 02/15/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-15-25 Saturday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Friday 02/14/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-14-25 Friday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Thursday 02/13/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-13-25 Thursday 3.14 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Wednesday 02/12/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-12-25 Wednesday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Tuesday 02/11/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-11-25 Tuesday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Monday 02/10/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-10-25 Monday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day Presents” Week of 02/16/2025
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The Chapel Quotes
“We thaw icy relationships by becoming forgiven forgivers. Never hold grudges, always choose forgiveness. To understand how much you should extend forgiveness you’re going to have to understand how much you have been forgiven. It is evil for us to refuse to forgive others when we have been forgiven by God through Christ. Jesus absorbed our punishment for sin upon Himself. We are always to make the choice to forgive others for their sins against us. Christ gives us the resource of spiritual humility and a new life of spiritual strength changing our hearts. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Forgiveness is an act of Christ-like love. The focus of forgiveness is the freedom of your own heart.”
“The choice to forgive another has the power to restore a broken relationship. Forgiveness is ultimately not about a feeling but about a choice that we make out of our redeemed heart. Forgiveness does not mean enabling somebody else to continue in their sin. Examine your own heart, when a wedge comes down in a relationship it often involves sin that has happened on both sides. You can’t be free in Christ if you don’t have forgiveness in your heart.We are called to live and love like Jesus. Believers are all called to protect the unity of the body of Christ.”
To access complete messages from The Chapel click to go to The Chapel website.
“Christian Stylings In Ivory” by composer-musician Don Krueger
To hear the complete 15-minute program click > on the sound bar above.
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Devotion 02/16/2025
Our Devotion, “A Special Gift” is by Meredith Sell, a professional writing major at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, and a freelance writer for WBCL radio, Church Libraries, and Christian Book Previews.
Billy Graham wrote in one of his columns once that “the gift of new or divine life to the regenerated person comes to the soul from Christ through the Holy Spirit.” The transference of this gift can be confusing to some people. Imagine, for example, that one of your dearest friends held out a gift to you, but the paper was stained and crumpled. Nevertheless, your friend insisted that what was inside was marvelous, absolutely life-changing. You’d still be dubious, wouldn’t you?
It amazes us as believers that God would give us – the undeserving – new life through the torment of His Son on the cross. The fact that He would take something as ugly as torture and make it beautiful causes us to wonder. It puts us in awe that He would do the same with us — take our sin-filled lives and regenerate them with His Spirit. He offers us a life-changing package that can be wrapped only one way. And only by opening it can we receive new life from Christ.
Book Review 02/12/2025
This Book Review is by Carson D. Jacobs, a professional writing major at Taylor University.
Mere Sexuality: Rediscovering the Christian Vision of Sexuality
By Todd A. Wilson
Zondervan, PB, 192 pages
Mere Sexuality dives straight into the traditional, Christian view of sexuality and how the United States has lost the value of it. Todd Wilson pulls no punches as he delivers the truth in a simple, straightforward way that most readers will come to appreciate. That being said, he isn’t obnoxious about his views, and he makes it a point to avoid stomping the views of others into the ground. Without losing strength from his message or beliefs, Wilson combats the country’s opinions on sexuality and defines the lines American culture seems so intent on blurring. Wilson examines the morality and logic of sexual purity, the discipline of alliance to one mate, the pleasures of giving and accepting sincere love, and the benefits of a lifetime of loyalty.
The writing itself is functional. It takes the reader on the trip this delightfully short and poignant book has in store, but it’s not something with which readers would go on an epic journey. The intentions of this book require a much shorter introspective path into culture and the inner workings of humanity’s self-awareness.
Regarding the content, it’s bound to step on some toes. As mentioned before, the author takes great care in respecting the views of others, but the material he covers in the book is a very sensitive topic. Wilson does have some theological and philosophical views that not everyone will agree with, but his points are worth considering. Overall, it’s a wonderful book despite a few eyebrow-raising theological views.
The book looks at sexuality through the lens of a Christian worldview, and it has some wonderful observations on biblical principles and where believers can draw those from, but it is not the Bible itself. No collection of theological musings should be treated as such. They are merely the thoughts and inferences of other people. Thus, this book is a good resource for advice and a perhaps a new perspective, but it is not the end-all of intellectual and moral discussion.
Review used by permission of Evangelical Church Library Association (ECLA)
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