Great Day Ministry

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Great Day” Saturday 01/25/2025*

To open or download this program click Great Day 01-25-25 Saturday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

Great Day” Friday 01/24/2025*

To open or download this program click Great Day 01-24-25 Friday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Thursday 01/23/2025*

To open or download this program click Great Day 01-23-25 Thursday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

Great Day” Wednesday 01/22/2025*

To open or download this program click Great Day 01-22-25 Wednesday 2.52 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Tuesday 01/21/2025*

To open or download this program click Great Day 01-21-25 Tuesday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Monday 01/20/2025*

To open or download this program click Great Day 01-20-25 Monday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Sunday 01/19/2025*

To open or download this program click Great Day 01-19-25 Sunday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day Presents” Week of 01/19/2025

To open or download this program click Great Day Presents i01-19-25MLK 56.52M and select ‘Save Link’.

The Chapel Quotes

Jesus was full of grace and full of truth and we do not have to abandon one at the expense of the other. Jesus never compromised His position, but it was through His kindness that He brought people to a softening of the heart. We are all sinners in need of a savior. Our perceived identity often shapes how we live. We are all in need of an identity change. There is a loving all-powerful God who created us with a particular identity that He wants us to operate from. There is a God who offers us an identity that will result in us living a life that is full of joy and peace. We don’t have to struggle with the deceptive labels other people have given us. Our initial design is to reflect God here on earth. People look at us trying to discern who God is by the way that we act and the way we treat other people.”

“God does not equate our role with value. God in His creativity has made us different giving us an identity that is solid, sure and transcends race, gender, occupation and every other category. You may be a person who sins, but in the eyes of God, when you come to faith in Jesus your identity is not a sinner but a saint, a holy one, called for a different purpose, separated and set apart by Jesus to be used for His purposes.

To access complete messages from The Chapel click to go to The Chapel website.

“Christian Stylings In Ivory” by composer-musician Don Krueger

To hear the complete 15-minute program click > on the sound bar above.
To open or download this program click on Stylings 011925 and select ‘Save Link’.

Devotion 01/19/2025
Our Devotion, “Conquering the Dark” is by Tom Vick, a professional writing major at Taylor University and book reviewer for Church Libraries.

“But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in Spirit.“   I Corinthians 6:17 

My friend, a brilliant artist, suffered a rough semester. Prior to this, we used to be close, often debating and teasing each other. Men need fellowship and a strong self-esteem to survive. My friend was losing. After many dating rejections, his self-confidence was gone and his heart was suffering great pain. Buying into Satan’s lies, he slept 18 hours, eating no more than a meal a day. He withdrew from college.  

Most people are somewhat afraid of the dark. But for an artist who uses his imagination in everything he does, darkness can become absolutely terrifying. My friend began to lose sight of his identity. His emotions pulled him away from the church. Schoolwork eventually became a pointless burden for him. He was lonely and without hope.

After he withdrew, he needed to undergo many counseling sessions in order to bring him into a healthier state of mind.  My friend stated, “I talked until I was blue in the face about my problems, but nothing changed until my counselor and I started to talk about the man Christ wanted me to become and what I had to do to achieve that.” 

As Christians we must denounce the darkness and give ourselves to the light of the Father. 

PRAYER: Lord, help us see your light and breathe in your wisdom manifested through Christ crucified. Amen. 

Book Review 01/22/2025
This Book Review is by BreeAnna Bailey, a professional writing major at Taylor University.

Cleansed by Death
By Catherine Finger
Anchored Productions, PB, 185 pages

Abuse, divorce and death are three of the main topics addressed in this novel. Although it is labeled as a mystery-thriller, in reality this book contains more personal drama than a suspenseful plot. From the beginning, the dialogue feels unrealistic and irrelevant, which distracts the reader from the storyline. This theme of abuse continues throughout the novel as the main character, Josie, struggles with her cruel husband, failed adoption and rekindled romance with her co-worker Nick. This relationship is complicated all through the book as their conversations feel very forced and inappropriate due to the fact that she is married. Through all of this, Josie is also a police chief, even though this also seems quite a stretch of believability.

Nick convinces Josie to help him find a serial killer, and the murder mystery aspect of the book almost feels like a side story. As Josie faces huge decisions in her life the reader is taken alongside to experience the turmoil she goes through. Overall, the story is thought-provoking and contains interesting ideas, but the information is poorly organized and the dialogue is improbable. The combination of these two flaws prevents the reader from truly being drawn into the story and connecting with the characters. Nonetheless the author addresses important struggles in a direct fashion and shares the redeeming love of Christ.

As Josie faces seemingly insurmountable catastrophes in her life, she finds herself pushed to the breaking point. In one section of the story she no longer possesses any desire to live, yet in that moment God reveals Himself to her. Many Christians can relate to her catastrophic feelings of hopelessness and doubt. Even though she does not fully believe in God, He consistently shows up throughout her everyday trials. Sadly, many of the faith conversations feel awkward and may turn away unbelievers. Nevertheless, with the help of her mentor, Gino, Josie finally begins to realize the reality of the Lord’s love for her, and in the process the readers can discover that for themselves.

 Review used by permission of Evangelical Church Library Association (ECLA)

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Local Church Directory

Aboite Area Churches – send us a name and a short description / overview of your church and have it posted here. Also include a web address if available.

Aboite Missionary Church
7222 West Jefferson Blvd. Services begin at 10:00 a.m. Please call 432-1111 if you have any questions.

(The) Chapel
2505 West Hamilton Road (corner of West Hamilton and Aboite Roads). Service times are: 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 am.

Dunfee Missionary Church (
Located on West County Line Road north of Rte. 14. The purpose of Dunfee Missionary Church is to glorify God by leading people to salvation in Christ alone; Worshiping God;Instructing seekers in the Word of God; Serving others; and Evangelizing our world.
Find out more information at their website.

Sonrise Church (
10125 W. Illinois Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46804.
Phone: 260-431-4673  Fax: 260-431-4678.

Southwest Lutheran Church (
A Caring Community Connecting the World to the Living Christ.
Services held Sunday’s at 9:30 at Summit Middle School at Homestead and Aboite Center. Childcare provided. See more information at their website.

Trinity Episcopal Church (
611 West Berry Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802.
Phone: 260-423-1693
See us on the web at