Great Day Ministry

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“Great Day” Tuesday 10/22/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 10-22-24 Tuesday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Monday 10/21/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 10-21-24 Monday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Sunday 10/20/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 10-20-24 Sunday 3.02 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Saturday 10/19/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 10-19-24 Saturday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Friday 10/18/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 10-18-24 Friday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Thursday 10/17/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 10-17-24 Thursday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Wednesday 10/16/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 10-16-24 Wednesday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day Presents” Week of 10/20/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day Presents i10-20-24A 58.00M and select ‘Save Link’.

The Chapel Quotes

Christians should never be surprised when suffering comes their way, but typically we’re caught off guard. The number one reason that people do not believe that there is a God is because of the problem of evil and suffering in the world. Suffering is at best an arduous season to navigate and at worst it can create a crisis of faith. Suffering is having what you don’t want or wanting what you don’t have.”

“It is possible to go through unspeakable pain  and not only hold onto your faith in a loving and powerful God but to actually grow in your love for Him. In most cases when we experience suffering it’s because of our own circumstances. Does your love and adoration your obedience to God tied to how well things are going in your life?  The evil that we see in this world is the result of two things, the free will of the people and the fallen creation. So much evil and suffering can be attributed to the fact that human beings have the ability to choose. God did not create evil, His creation chose it. God is completely sovereign, He is in complete control, but He created people with a free will, the ability to make choices.”

“Suffering is not for nothing., it’s not necessarily something that God created, but really just the absence of Him. Although we in our free will choose to walk away from the light, we have a heavenly Father that pursues us with Hi warmth  and His light, that we may be drawn to Him. No matter what you go through, whether God is giving or taking away, draw yourself to the light and into the warmth of God’s embrace.

To access complete messages from The Chapel click to go to The Chapel website.

“Christian Stylings In Ivory” by composer-musician Don Krueger

To hear the complete 15-minute program click > on the sound bar ABOVE.
To open or download this program click on Stylings 102024 and select ‘Save Link’.

Devotion 10/20/2024
Our Devotion: “A Lesson in Faith” by Nicole E. Dynes, a professional writing major at Taylor University and book reviewer for Christian Book Previews and Church Libraries.

Have you ever done something amazing when you were by yourself, but failed to duplicate it a second time for your friends? I have. One time, while ice skating with a group of friends, I tried spinning in a small circle, surprising myself when I didn’t smack my face into the ice.  When I tried to show my friends, I didn’t take one step before having to grab onto the wall. It was embarrassing when they wouldn’t believe me. They wanted me to try again, but when nothing happened, they found it hard to believe I had done it in the first place.

Believing what we have not seen is called faith. Not only do we need to have faith in God, but we also need to have faith in each other, encouraging “one another daily, as long as it is called Today” (Hebrews 3:13). So the next time someone wants to show you something and it doesn’t work, don’t count them out. Take it as a little lesson in faith.

PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to the opportunities You provide each day to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ and learn more about faith. Amen.

Book Review 10/16/2024
This Book Review is by Drew A. Neuenschwander, a professional writing major at Taylor University and book reviewer for Church Libraries.

EXTRAORDINARY: The Life You Were Meant to Live
by John Bevere
Waterbrook Press, 9780307457721, HB, 214 pages, $22.99

Do you seek more from your Christian walk? In his inspirational book, Extraordinary, internationally-acclaimed speaker John Bevere clearly explains relationships between spiritual precepts, including the difference between mercy and grace, the dispensation of grace through faith, and faith’s role in generating obedience. But beyond basics, Extraordinary is inspiring because it shares truths about the Christian walk that Satan has labored to silence, such as Christians’ grace-given ability to possess God’s perspective and holiness.

Bevere uses modern parables, personal stories, and scripture verses to argue that Christians should facilitate bold —even miraculous— manifestations of God’s power. To note some considerable detractors, Bevere switches, perhaps strategically, among six different Bible versions, and his artistic interpretations of certain verses may surprise some readers. Others may feel that his emphasis on Christians’ earthly prosperity and individual worth are overstated. Nevertheless, I cautiously recommend Extraordinary to discerning readers.

Review used by permission of Evangelical Church Library Association (ECLA)

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