Great Day Ministry

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“Great Day” Saturday 07/27/2024

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“Great Day” Friday 07/26/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 07-26-24 Friday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Thursday 07/25/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 07-25-24 Thursday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Wednesday 07/24/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 07-24-24 Wednesday 4.20 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Tuesday 07/23/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 07-23-24 Tuesday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Monday 07/22/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 07-22-24 Monday 2.45 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day” Sunday 07/21/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day 07-21-24 Sunday 4.17 and select ‘Save Link’.

“Great Day Presents” Week of 07/21/2024

To open or download this program click Great Day Presents i07-21-24B 57.26M and select ‘Save Link’.

The Chapel Quotes

God exists and has revealed Himself to us. We believe that Jesus is fully God and fully man, and that we are sinners. Our pursuit in life is to find out what is true and to devote our lives to it, to make sure as many people as possible know the way to salvation. We should have an urgency and a boldness, three people die every second. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Jesus, and that way is paved through His sacrifice and His grace. That means He gives us something we don’t deserve.”

“No matter how hard life’s circumstances are right now, you can know that you are saved, and you can have joy regardless of what this world throws at you. There is not one sin that you have committed that is unforgivable. We have the most powerful message that has ever existed in this world, that there is living hope in Jesus Christ that saves all of humanity, and part of our calling is to go and share that with the world.

To access complete messages from The Chapel click to go to The Chapel website.

“Christian Stylings In Ivory” by composer-musician Don Krueger

To hear the complete 15-minute program click > on the sound bar ABOVE.
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Devotion 07/21/2024
Our Devotion: “Impossibly Early” is by Emily J. Morgan, a professional writing major at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana and book reviewer for Church Libraries and Christian Book Previews.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: “For nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37 (NIV)

I loathe waking up early. From the obnoxious blare of the alarm clock to the chilly morning air outside of my warm, soft blankets, I hate everything about it. However, with a new school year approaching, I realized that getting up early would provide me with an opportune time to go to the gym and work out. The excitement of my idea was soon clouded by my recollections of the many previous failed attempts to drag myself out of bed and accomplish something before ten o’clock. I had soon dismissed the idea as impossible.

When Mary asked the angel Gabriel how it could be possible for her to be the virgin mother of the Savior, he told her that nothing was impossible with God. Whether you’re dealing with overcoming a certain sin that keeps tripping you up, upset over a broken family, or simply needing the strength to get out of bed in the morning, nothing is too big or too little for God to handle. Even I learned to exercise in the morning.

PRAYER: Father, give me the strength to hand over my problems to you no matter what they are, and give me the faith to know that nothing is impossible with You.

Book Review 07/24/2024
This Book Review is by Kayla Houvenagle, a professional writing student at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana.

Just Sayin’ 
By Dandi Daley Mackall 
Tyndale House, HB, 179 pages

Mackall’s Just Sayin’ is a collage of letters, texts, phone calls, and notes sent between and among “almost step” siblings Cassie Callahan, Nick Barton, and little sister Julie Barton. The kids’ parents were all set to get married, but then (without warning) they abruptly called off the wedding.  Now, in the aftermath, Nick’s dad is dragging him and little Julie all across the county, whereas poor Cassie has been “deposited” with her grandmother because Cassie’s mom has decided to move to another city to begin a new career.  After having so looked forward to being siblings, the trio of kids use various forms of media to try to stay in touch and to figure out why the wedding was cancelled and if they still have a possible future together as a new family.      

Just Sayin’ features letters typed and written with distinct handwriting, and envelopes and pens left on top of the letters for a realistic feel. Many similar elements add to the “you are there” experience of reading the book.  The plotline provides an abundance of laugh-out-loud moments, courtesy in part of the kids’ love of joking insults. Nevertheless, many serious topics, ranging from the sanctity of marriage to where to draw the line between funny and hurtful jokes, are explored. The innocence of the youngsters provides honesty and transparency for examining the behavior of Christian adults.

Although primarily written for kids, and primarily from kids’ perspectives, Mackall has written a book that all ages can connect with. It presents the added perspectives of grandparents, a youth pastor, the parents, and one comedian. Due to the variety of perspectives, adults can relate to the story, and kids can get a glimpse into the strange minds of older folks.      

God is a very real presence in Just Sayin’. Cassie writes to her youth pastor, asking hard and relevant questions about marriages and break-ups. She also writes several letters to God himself. The question of when fun and games turns into bullying is also asked with God in mind; and various quotes from the Bible are used throughout the book.

Review used by permission of Evangelical Church Library Association (ECLA)

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